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Welcome to YogaM48
歡迎來到 YogaM48

Each studio is a locally owned and operated franchise location. We offer different class types from hot and powerful to slow and mindful. We also offer beginner classes and sculpt classes. Our teachers have been trained in the Yoga teaching methodology to provide a consistent but creative experience for each class type every time. They teach in a way that is easy for everyone to follow and understand. Our expert staff will help you find the right class to help you achieve your goals.

每個工作室都是當地擁有和經營的特許經營場所。 我們提供不同的課程類型,從熱門而強大到緩慢而專注。 我們還提供初級課程和塑形課程。 我們的老師都接受過瑜伽教學方法的培訓,每次都能為每種課程類型提供一致但富有創意的體驗。 他們以一種易於每個人遵循和理解的方式進行教學。 我們的專業員工將幫助您找到合適的課程來幫助您實現目標。

Together We Rise

We believe that everyone deserves the mind-body experience of yoga. We believe we can all grow, becoming better together. We believe in a world of inclusion and acceptance of each other. Whether you’re connecting to the rhythm of your breath or working up to the edge of your fitness level in class, there is always something new to discover about yourself. Begin a regular practice with us at YOGA M48 and allow the transformation to begin. Tap into the intelligence of your body and unlock your full potential.

我們相信每個人都值得體驗瑜伽的身心體驗。 我們相信我們都能成長,一起變得更好。 我們相信一個包容和相互接受的世界。 無論您是在關注呼吸節奏還是在課堂上達到健身水平的邊緣,總有一些關於自己的新發現。 與我們一起在 YOGA M48 開始定期練習,並開始轉變。 挖掘您身體的智慧,釋放您的全部潛能。

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Trust the Science

Our yoga and fitness classes address the complete needs of your body in movement and intensity to conquer plateaus, continually progress, and repair itself.



Join Our Community

Yoga is a personal practice but at YogaM48 we believe it's shared together with a community that uplifts each other and supports progression, both on and off the mat.



瑜伽是一種個人練習,但在 YogaM48,我們相信它與一個社區共享,無論是在墊子上還是墊子下,都可以相互提升並支持進步

Enjoy Your Space

We’re taking the proper precautions to assure everyone feels safe coming to class. Classes have been modified to ensure maximum time to clean for you to continue practicing throughout the day.



我們正在採取適當的預防措施,以確保每個人都能安全地上課。 課程已經過修改,以確保您有最長時間的清潔時間來繼續全天練習。

Class Types

We believe that everyone deserves the mind-body experience of yoga. By connecting you to a  practice that is energizing, empowering, and fun. We deliver life-enhancing benefits through our Yoga classes: Stretching Yoga, Detox Yoga, Power Yoga, Yoga Flow,  Wheel Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Yoga Sculpt & Flow.

我們相信每個人都值得體驗瑜伽的身心體驗。 通過將您與充滿活力、授權和樂趣的實踐聯繫起來。 我們通過我們的瑜伽課程提供改善生活的好處:伸展瑜伽、排毒瑜伽、力量瑜伽、瑜伽流、輪式瑜伽、空中瑜伽、瑜伽塑形和流。

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Teacher Training

A journey that will forever transform your practice, on and off the mat. Now offering online & face to face YOGA TEACHER TRAINING sessions.


Endorse by:



•APPI Health

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一次將永遠改變您的練習的旅程,無論是在墊子上還是墊子下。 現在提供在線上和面授YOGA 教師培訓課程。


•國際康體專才培訓學院 (IPTFA)

•瑜伽健身 (YogaFit)

•澳大利亞物理治療與普拉提學院 (APPI)

Opportunities at YogaM48
YogaM48 的機會

Own a studio

Yoga is a mental practice as much as it is physical. Our yoga and fitness classes allow our members to define their own success, from one day to the next - to customize their practice. We help members connect to themselves in a way that is energizing, empowering, and fun. With an established and loyal following, YogaM48 is a modernized yoga brand that promotes accessibility and is poised for nationwide adoption. Build an empowered, connected and welcoming community well beyond your studio walls.


瑜伽既是身體上的練習,也是精神上的練習。 我們的瑜伽和健身課程讓我們的會員能夠定義自己的成功,從一天到下一天 - 定制他們的練習。 我們幫助會員以一種充滿活力、賦權和樂趣的方式與自己建立聯繫。 YogaM48 擁有成熟且忠實的追隨者,是一個現代化的瑜伽品牌,旨在促進可訪問性並準備在全國范圍內採用。 建立一個強大的、相互聯繫的、熱情的社區,遠遠超出您的工作室。

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